Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Perspective Snowmen

To create a holiday drawing while learning about Perspective and Shading.

9 X 9 inch square white drawing paper, pencil, sharpie, colored pencils

Step 1. Draw a large circle leading in from all 4 sides.

Step 2 -Draw smaller circle on each one, representing the head on the snowman.

Step 3 -Add stick arms and a face to the body.
Add accessories - hats, gloves, scarves, eyes, nose, buttons etc.
Draw snowflakes in the air.
Step 4 -Trace over the pencil drawing with a black pen.
Step 5 - Color the drawing with colored pencils.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Crayon Resist Watercolor

Holiday Ornaments

Vocab: overlap, wash, resist, highlight, balanced, shadow, composition  

Materials: Watercolor paper, watercolors, paint brush, water, black crayon, pencil, circle template

Step 1. Complete a pencil drawing of holiday ornaments using circle templates, overlapping circles. Include a highlight, top and hook on each ball.

Step 2. Trace over the drawing with a black crayon.
Step 3. Watercolor each of the ornaments with bright colors. Leave the highlight the white of the paper on each ornament.
Do not paint wet areas by wet areas with the watercolors.The crayon should create a resist barrier between the ornaments.

Step 4. Finish painting all ornaments, paint the tops, and the extras (bows, bells, holly, lights,evergreen branches etc.) Create shadows with the black crayon.