Friday, November 16, 2018

Thanksgiving Still Life

The cornucopia, also called the horn of
plenty, was a symbol of abundance and nourishment,
commonly a large horn-shaped container
overflowing with produce, flowers or nuts.
A still life is a work of art depicting mostly
inanimate subject matter, typically
commonplace objects which are either natural
or man-made.
Objective: Students will learn about still life art,
while creating an oil pastel cornucopia on
black paper.
Materials: Black construction paper, pencil, oil pastels, photos

Step 1
Idea search cornucopias and decide
what fruit and vegetables you would like to draw.
Use a pencil and draw your own cornucopia
on black construction paper.
Use pictures from your Chromebook for
examples. Be creative!

Step 2
Discuss highlights and shadows. Discuss
how to create them and where they belong
in a composition.

Step 3
Add color with oil pastels. Layer and blend
the colors.

Teacher Examples…

Student Examples...