Thursday, May 7, 2020

Remote Learning, Week 5

Zentangle Design

Materials: paper, something to draw with (marker, sharpie or pen),
a circle to trace (can, tape, cup, candle etc.)

Zentangle is an easy to learn, relaxing and fun way to
create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.
These patterns are called tangles. Zentangle Art is non-
representational and unplanned. Just relax and doodle!

What is zentangle and how do you create it? Check out a couple
of videos that demonstrate how to create zentangle. 

Examples of zentangle….
You will be creating a zentangle design. 
1. On a piece of paper or cardboard (whatever you can find) you
will trace a circle multiple times. Let the circles overlap, to create
different sections. 
2. Inside each section, you will create a different pattern or design.
You may use a pen, a marker, a sharpie or whatever you can find
at home.

I have included some examples - but you can create any designs
you would like. I have also included some helpful Youtube video
Just have fun and be creative! Use a pen or a
marker, if possible, but anything will work.
Please refer to this picture as an example.

Student Examples...