Complementary Color Logo Designs
Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly
opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green, blue and orange,
or yellow and violet. When combined, complementary colors cancel each other
out. When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast for
those particular two colors.
Objective: Students will transform a familiar logo by
changing the colors used to a complementary color scheme. Students will also
learn about tints and shades and incorporate them into the design where needed.
Students will idea search logos on their Chromebooks
Students will create rough sketches on newsprint
Students will choose the best design and lay it out lightly
on white drawing paper with a pencil
I will discuss complementary colors and students will choose a color scheme
I will demonstrate hard edge painting and mixing tints and
Students will carefully paint their logo designs
Students will finally outline the design with a black sharpie
Students will finally outline the design with a black sharpie
Did the student correctly use a complementary color scheme?
Did the student follow the directions?
Did the student demonstrate good craftsmanship and neatness?
Scholars Edge Painting provides quality student painting services across western Canada. Including Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver.
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