Friday, May 10, 2019

American Gothic

 Image result for american gothic house window

American Gothic

"American Gothic" is a painting by American artist Grant Wood
in 1930. Wood entered this painting in a contest in Chicago and 
there he won the bronze prize and $300. It was then purchased by 
the Art Institute of Chicago and it still hangs there today! It has
become one of the most recognizable 20th century American
paintings. Wood was inspired to paint the "American Gothic House" 
which is located in Eldon, Iowa. It was built in the American Gothic
style. The house had an unique window that has become very
recognizable over the years. Wood painted the kind of people
he "fancied should live in that house". The painting features a
farmer and his spinster daughter in front of their home. The 
models he chose were his local dentist and Wood's
sister, Nan. Neither of the models sat in front of the house 
and each element was painted separately

The American Gothic House and Visitor Center can be visited 
in Eldon, Iowa. Guest can pose in front of the home for their own 
American Gothic picture.

Visiting the American Gothic House was an amazing
 and educational experience!

I have created an American Gothic inspired colored pencil composition...
the window, the wild flowers and the American flag!