Thursday, December 7, 2023

Crayon Resist / Watercolor Holiday Ornaments


Vocab: overlap, wash, resist, highlight, balanced, shadow, composition  


Paper, watercolors, paint brush, water, crayons, pencil, circle template

1. Complete a pencil drawing of holiday ornaments using circle templates,

overlapping circles. Include a highlight, top and hook on each ball.

Be creative with your design (the ornaments could be in a bowl, on a

table top, forming a wreath etc.) You can add to the design

(evergreen, holly, words, lights etc) Be Creative!

2. Trace over the drawing with a crayon. 

3. Watercolor each of the ornaments with bright colors.

Leave the highlight white on each one.

Do not paint wet by wet with the watercolors.

The crayon outline should resist the paint.

4. Finish painting all ornaments and the extras.

You may add details with the crayons, as well. Be creative!