Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Remote Learning, Week 4

Draw a Shoe!

This week you will be drawing a shoe. 

Find a piece of paper to draw on, whatever
you can find will be fine. Also, you will need
a pencil or something to draw with. If you would
like to add color, you may use colored pencils,
markers, or whatever you may have at home.

Option 1 - Idea search different shoes on
Google images. Pick a shoe to draw.

Option 2 - Design and create your own shoe.

Step 1 - With a pencil, create a line drawing
of a shoe. Pay close attention to all of the detail.
Do your very best to capture folds, laces, designs etc.

Step 2 - After you complete your drawing,
add value and shade with your pencil.
You may also choose to add color, it is your choice.
You may use whatever you have at your house.
(colored pencils, paint, markers etc.)

Step 3 -
Add finishing details.
Send me a picture of your finished drawing.

Have fun, and do your best! I can't wait
to see your creations!

Student Examples...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

3D Radial Symmetry Design

Symmetry / Radial Symmetry

1. Please watch the video that explains
radial symmetry….

2. After watching the YouTube video that
demonstrates radial symmetry, you are going
to create a “found objects” radial design 3D. 

*Remember with radial symmetry, objects will
radiate around a central point. Start with a +
that divides it into 4 sections and then work
around it. Whatever is in one of the sections,
is in all 4.

You are to arrange found objects from your
home and create a radial symmetrical design.
Arrange them on the floor or table and then
take a picture of your design with your
chromebook and then please share it with
me on Google Classroom.

My example - Objects from my kitchen…

Notice my design radiates from one central
point, the center where the spoons meet.
Think of the spoons as the lines of symmetry,
dividing it into the 4 sections. If you cut the
picture in half and flip it over (the line of
symmetry), it is the same on all 4 sides. 

Be creative! You can use shoes, toys,
silverware, legos, fruit, candy, rocks,
coins, crayons….The list can go on and on. 

Student Examples...

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Color Theory
Warm Colors/ Cool Colors

Please watch… 

Warm colors — such as red, yellow, and orange;
evoke warmth because they remind us of things like
the sun or fire. 
Cool colors — such as blue, green, and purple (violet);
evoke a cool feeling because they remind us of things like
water or grass. 
Option 1  Choose a set of colors, either warm colors or
cool colors. 
You are going to color a mandala with either warm colors
or cool colors.
A mandala, which is Sanskrit for “circle”, is a geometric
design that holds a great deal of symbolism in Hindu and
Buddhist cultures. ... In their most basic form, mandalas
are circles contained within a square and arranged into
sections that are all organized around a single, central point.
Please choose a mandala design at…

On your Chromebook, color the design entirely with either
warm colors or cool color. 
Download the colored picture and then send it to me on
Google Classroom. 
Option 2 - Become aware of cool colors vs warm colors.
Create a drawing or design and color the picture in all
warm colors or all cool colors. Use whatever you may
have at home, crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint etc.
Please send me a picture on Google Classroom. 
Student Examples...