Friday, March 3, 2017

Pop Art!

8th Grade Candy Paintings


Pop Art - art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values.

Objective: Students will create a Pop Art style candy painting in bright colors with paint.

Materials: 12 x 12 inch white paper, pencil, reference pictures,  paint and sharpies

  1. Students will choose a candy to draw. Look at pictures online.
  2. On the white drawing paper, students will draw a line drawing of a section of the candy wrapper in pencil. The candy can lead in from the border - draw nice and large. The drawing should be very detailed, try to create the section as exact as possible!
  3. Students will paint their Pop Art Candy Drawing. Take your time! Do not paint wet areas next to wet areas. Break it down into sections, paint wet paint only by dry paint.
  4. When the candy is complete, choose a bright color that contrasts the candy to paint in the background. Bright and Bold!
  5. Outline and give detail with the black sharpie.
  6. Turn in for evaluation.

Is the candy drawn large and have good detail?
Was the painting process completed in steps, wet by dry?
Did the student show good craftsmanship and complete the painting with a background color?
Did the student finish the work with a black marker, outlining and completing the detail work?

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